The FCC seeks comment on a petition for expedited declaratory ruling filed by NCTA — The Internet & Television Association (NCTA) on splitting pole attachment costs between utilities and telecom attachers in areas with no broadband service. NCTA’s request concerns upgrade and replacement expenses.
NCTA asked the Commission to clarify that: (1) in areas with no access to broadband service, pole owners must share in the cost of pole replacements consistent with the Communications Act, FCC rules, and precedent; (2) pole attachment complaints arising in unserved areas should be prioritized through placement on the accelerated-docket; and (3) FCC rules authorize the agency to order any pole owner to complete a pole replacement within a specified period of time or designate an authorized contractor to do so.
Comments to WC Docket No. 17-84 are due by August 19, and reply comments by September 3.